Foriegn Affairs

Exister, c'est oser se jeter dans le monde.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

What Paint Chips Make you Think

Country Clouds
Country living is
Only a state of mind where “for
Us “is a way of kindness, how we know what
Not to do but also knowing that we can
Try to become better day after day and
Recognize the little things that make “us”
Yell and sing and
Cry and tell “us” that the little things are
Often the most important things that
Unite “us” day after
Day under a
Sky full of country clouds.

Suddenly Saffron
I smell my mother
Cooking with saffron and thyme
My heart feels happy

Pebble Gray
At the beach I feel
Huge, gray pebbles hitting my legs
The ocean is home


  1. I like each of these very much--the emotion connected to smells in the saffron piece (smell is the strongest trigger of memory, I've read) and the way you emphasized the "us" throughout the piece about a life in the country centered on working hard, being better, and doing it all together.

  2. Good morning, M'Kenna,
    You're a very prolific writer, and I've been thoroughly enjoying reading some of your work. All three of these pieces were in-depth and colorful, and portrayed some hidden, profound meaning of family or emotion.
    Have a lovely night,
