you read, what do you need to be comfortable (environment, snacks, lighting)?
can usually find me wedged between the arm of our living room couch and some pillows
with a munchy type of snack, such as pretzels or popcorn. In the summer, I love
to catch the sun on my back when I’m reading. When it’s winter, you can find me
in a blanket with a cat on my lap.

am one of the people that don’t like to read books based on popularity. For
example, when The Fault in Our Stars
came out, I waited to read the book until all the quotes and memes and jokes
died out so that I could have my own personal experience with the book. I do
have to say, by being introduced to TFIOS, it opened so many other books that I
have enjoyed.
was the first book you remember reading? Why does this book stand out?
first remember reading Pajama Time
with my siblings. I remember feeling so proud that I was able to read a book that
my parents read to us every night. This book really stands out to me because it
was such a fun book that introduced new words and kept my attention. I also
enjoyed how much fun I had reading it with my siblings, which helped out
is one of your best memories connected with reading?
of the best memories I have connected with reading was when I earned a gift
card to Borders! In our first grade class, we had a challenge to read as many
books that we could in one month. I remember that I came home dedicated to win
that 15 dollar Borders card to buy some more books. That was when I was
introduced to the Nancy Drew series, and to this day I still give credit to my
mother for reading with me and pushing me to not give up when it got hard.
favorite book is The Help. I got this
book because the movie had come out in the summer, and parents had gone to see
it. I picked it up and started reading, and honestly, I couldn’t stop reading.
Page after page I became so wrapped up in the lives and the struggles of the
women in the book and I honestly felt like I knew each of them in their small
town of Mississippi. I still would love to have a sequel to the book!
Aren't you lucky to have been read to as a kid? I really think that has a huge influence. I also often resist the pull of the books that everyone seems to be talking about (or making memes about!) but eventually I want to be in on the conversation so I read things like Twilight and Hunger Games and The Fault in Our Stars. I loved The Help so much--I need to reread that one.