picked up her ringing phone. Still elated from the phone call from her
boyfriend earlier that evening, she answered with a cheerful, “hello”!
Justin’s been hit. He’s in the hospital. We would like it if you would come, he
would probably like it too…” Justin’s mother rambled on to Blake, grief and
worry laced in her voice.

voice brought her back to the present. Her mother was standing in the doorway
to her room.
wrong, honey?” her mother asked, “You’re crying.”
realizing that she had tears streaming down her face, Blake rushed into her
mother’s arms and told the whole story. Pretty soon, both mother and daughter
were crying into each other’s arms, tightly embraced. Letting her mother know
that she had to leave, Blake grabbed the keys to her ’08 Jeep Wrangler and
hustled out the door to the hospital. Driving in a daze, she couldn’t think
straight. Cars were honking at her, but that didn’t matter. Didn’t they know somebody’s
life was hanging in the balance?
jumped out of her car and headed to the automatic hospital doors to the ER. She
burst into a room filled with sullen faces, hopefully waiting for good news.
She saw some familiar faces, Justin’s family, and went over to them.
is he?” whispered Blake to Justin’s mother.
but his condition is fragile. He should be almost out of surgery,” replied
Justin’s mother.
A few
hours later, a nurse wearing pistachio colored scrubs came to collect them to
see Justin. After Justin’s close family members were done visiting, Blake came
to Justin’s side on the hospital bed. Seeing tubes and IVs and bandages all
over his body, Blake was barely able to recognize him and became overwhelmed
with the seriousness of the situation. She
sat staring with her eyes shut, into his eyes, and felt as if she had finally
got to the beginning of something she couldn’t begin, and she saw him moving
farther and farther away, farther and farther into the darkness until he was
the pin point of light.
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