Mrs. Rupke-Wells is someone who makes me laugh. Everyday I come into her classroom I feel at ease and laugh at least twice. She's a great listener and even though she is super young, she has lots of life experience that makes her an awesome teacher, one of the few I can actually count on to make me feel better. #rupkeonpoint
Taylor Marshall is easily one of my best friends. Ever since freshman year, she's taught me so many things about myself and the world around me. We've had so many conversations involving a wide range of subjects, people, places, and things. She has opened my eyes to the world around me, literally. #tellmeajoke
I would love to be more like Mrs. Fraser. She helped me think about teaching as a career choice and something that I may want to pursue in the future. She also inspired me to think about the world creatively and find joy in the little things and to be inspired in everything that goes on around me. #fraseristhebest
I love books! I recently had a referral to books by Liane Moriarty. I think that she is a gifted writer that can spin stories so well that it keeps the reader guessing what is going to happen next. Her plots are also very refreshing and appeals to a wide range of people #secretsmakebooks
This sign (that's a square) reminds me of all of Goddard's thirty minute long speeches and all the countless times that practiced started and all the meetings that we had for cross country. It also reminds me of all the times that we've been kicked out of the locker room is because Goddard has talked for so long #goddardminutes
I found this piece of wood in the science wing. It reminded me of a goal that I have to go to the Redwood Forrest in California. I can't wait to drive my car through a tree stump! #redwoodforrestsrcool
I took this picture for my interesting angle because my OCD freaked out when I saw this chair not standing upright. It was also the same chair that the old orchestra director used. #music
This is a handwritten sign for the district game. It reminded me of the team mindset where no one can succeed without the others. Also, the game turned out pretty great-we won and my friends and I went to IHOP after. #khsfootball
This is my nature picture of a tree and birdhouse. It was rainy and gray and definitely a interesting experience with Taylor. I loved how quite it was and how peaceful the garden was. #artinnature
These knobs reminded me of owl's eyes and the beak of a bird. I searched so hard for a face, and when I saw this one, I freaked out. #orchestraroom
This made me think of what a little kid might find interesting. When I was little, I was so scared of spiders, I wouldn't even touch plastic spiders that I would get in my halloween bag. #thisishalloween
This picture makes me feel nostalgic because this is where I had my first track meet. Ever since then, I have loved running and competing and the general atmosphere of meets. #running
This isn't something that annoys me, but is the exact opposite. Football games and this field was about more than the games and activities, it was about the atmosphere and the people. #Ibelievethatwehavewon
I think that art is so beautiful, so that is why it is my something beautiful. I wish I was better with art and that is why I have so much gratitude for artists. #artandearth
This locker is something that will always remind me of Kickapoo. This is my locker that I've had all through my high school career (hopefully it will continue that way)! Running is so important to me as well as high school experiences #kpoo